Her words.

This week I was mentioned in a comment on one of my mom’s old posts on Facebook. After reading the comment from a family friend, I began to read my mother’s words. Almost immediately, tears filled my eyes and I smiled. I had never read this writing of her’s but I remember this day vividly. Being able to read about that day from my mom’s perspective and hearing her thoughts was special.

I’ve been thinking a lot of my mom over the past few days and people keep reminding me of her words. I’ve seen God speaking through these people to me. Reminding me of His love, His peace, His promises, and His work through her. I am so grateful for His reminders that He surprises me with, like splashes of color on a gray day. He knows my heart and thoughts before I even do. He knows what I need to be shared with me and what I need to be reminded of.

So I wanted to share her words with you…

Lessons Learned While Languishing Over A Messy Room..

“She just turned 8.  I am struck by how fast time is passing with the last two of my four children.  Praying and listening.... what is important now as the time is fleeting... .hearing that some discipline needs to be shured up in my own life and reinforced in my children's. Then our pastor teaches on warfare and Spiritual Disciplines.. it is time to bring these home starting with even some little things. Submission to God is warfare.   Strife in our home is serious warfare and it is time to be defeated.

The room... it is not just a normal messy room. It is a dumpster room. I have been assured by well-meaning friends that artistic children are many times like this.  But I believe that there is something deeper to be taught to my daughter - a sense of order, discipline, obedience, self-control and care of things owned. 

She will clean the rest of the house with almost adult-like skill... but her room... 

 Using the tactics that I used on the other 3 children - promises of rewards of activities, encouragement, special outings, limits such as no food until it's done, no friends until it's clean.. .. but to no avail.  Even other family members have donated time to help the cause. Days after, the floor is ankle deep again. Arguments ensue, tempers rise and strife reigns.

 Consistency has been lacking on my part, some due to health problems, some due to feeling 'old and tired'.  But the battle must be won - I am reminded by God that my work is not done. Realizing the I need His strength and wisdom more than ever is not a bad thing. I am learning to submit  my attitude to Him as well as pray for hers... to listen.... and to pray that she listens to her Father.

First, this week, the Tooth Fairy refused to enter .... several days of working (and dawdling) and the room was not close to clean.  Today, she decided that she would rather run away than continue what seemed like an impossible job.

Setting up camp in the backyard clubhouse, she seemed determined, yet not defiant.  Joining her were her precious processions: favorite dolls, Lizzy the hamster, books, blankets, pillow, a change of clothes and $2.00 "to buy food". She had a plan, but as the evening began to set and the temperature dipped in the 40s, she reconsidered and rang the door bell.  

God has been impressing on me lessons about the power of His love. So, I greeted her with a smile and a 'Oh, how I've missed you!"  Upon asking her what she wanted, she responded sheepishly that she wanted to move back into her room.  I told her that I would love for her to do so, and gently reminded her that the room revisions would have to continue.  

Thinking about God's love and sacrifice and how He goes with us, even through our messes that we make, I decided to stay with her in this endeavor.  I propped up on her bed and helped her stay focused, chatting with her about the discovery of lost items that were unearthed as she cleaned. It was a long evening. Though hungry, I told her that I would wait and eat with her when the job was completed. Eventually  she confessed  that she was so very tired and hungry, but without a whiney attitude.  I knew that it was time to run the last lap with her. Together we both cleaned the final areas and she completed a final vacuuming. She couldn't wait to tell her family members how she had finally won the battle of the room! 

 Passing by her bedroom tonight, gazing at her sweet in sleep, I realize that we have both grown up a bit today. I am learning to be kind and gentle, while being firm and to be loving while not offering bribes.  This allows lessons learned.

 I just assured the Tooth Fairy that it was safe to enter tonight. There will be a happy little girl waking in the morning - to blessings earned... and to blessings bestowed - just because she is loved.”

-Teresa Davis

 Reading through her words and viewing from her heart has given me a new perspective. No, I don’t have my own children or know how it is to be a parent… but I see her heart. The way she loved her children no matter how messy their room was or what struggles they faced. She put God in the center of everything she did. He was the center of her parenting, teaching, writing, and life. She covered her children in fierce prayer daily, speaking His word over us, and asking God for provision. Recently I have been reminded that her prayers are still in effect in our lives. Her words did not pass with her but linger on with God’s purpose. The things that she spoke over us still remain. I have seen a few of her prayers become answered the past few weeks even.

This is part of the legacy that I see and want to continue to strive for. To live my life in the Lord’s light, love, and way. To place Him at the center of everything that I do, write, say, and touch. To cover each situation and person in continuous prayer. To tune my ear to my Father’s voice so that I might follow Him. As I walk forth, encountering new people, opening new chapters, and growing… I want to keep this image in my mind. To remember how she walked in grace and continued to long to grow in Him.

One day, if I have the privilege of becoming a mother, I will remember this. Remembering to parent with grace, love, and God’s guidance. To give my children the love that my mom showed me and God has bestowed to me. To cover my children in prayer that will follow them all their lives, even when I am not longer there to walk with them. This is the legacy I want to carry on.

-Alayna Joy


Rewarded In Obedience


And still I worship…