Come together for good

The beginning of a new year approaches us, and we start the cycle of reminiscing. Our minds flood with the memories of the good and the bad that faced us. Words said and left unsaid, people entering the scene and exiting. All the things that we have done and wished we had done weigh on our minds as the countdown begins. We set our new resolutions to be accomplished in the fresh year, hoping that the coming year will be different. Some of us look forward to the sense of a fresh start, while others still cling to the passing year.

As I watch the fluttering memories swirl through my mind and remember everything that took place this year, I pause. Instead of letting my eyes gravitate to the images of the challenges and focus on the details that decorate them, I halt. The temptation my mind battles of fixing my gaze upon the pain, loss, and could-have, should-haves is heavy. But I know that this is a toxic process that invades all my memories if I let it. Instead, I have stepped back in awe of the colors that paint my year. Each and every stroke comes together into a beautifully handcrafted piece, painted by God. Sure, I can see the tears, pain, heartache, and struggles among the painting. But I also see the joy, healing, peace, and growth that came from the hardships. I can see God trying to say “Look at this my child. See how I work all things together for good? See how I didn’t waste those tears? Look my child, at the growth that is sprouting forth from you!”.

In Romans 8:28, we read “And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”. You can see that it doesn’t say that everything with be perfect and always sunshine, then work together for good. If we read before verse 28, it says “the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us.”. It is stated that there would be struggles and weakness, that is a part of life. But the Father’s hands use the struggles that we encounter for good and intercedes for us. Isn’t that an incredible thing to think about? That the Almighty Creator, thinks and intercedes for each and every one of us. The one that hung the stars in the sky and paints the sunsets in the evenings, thinks of us. He carries so much love for His children and knows what we are going through. He knows all about your year better than anyone else ever will. He doesn’t need a recap post to remind Him of where you have been. He was there every step of the way, moving among us.

So, as I look at the past 12 months that mark the year, I see Him in every brushstroke. I also stand in awe of all that He has brought me through, the opportunities He has given, and the strength provided to accomplish what I have. He is the one behind it all, the love, the growth, the joy, and the strength is all from His hands. Everything had a purpose and has brought me to where I stand tonight. Some things I may not fully understand yet, but I know that there is a purpose, whether revealed now or later on. I hold on to this and rest my trust in Him moving forward.

As the countdown draws to the last hours, I come to a pause to give thanks and glory to my ever-loving Father who made this year come together for good. For He deserves all the credit.

Thank you, Jesus, for this year.

Let me continue to walk by Your side and be an extension of Your hands.

Let me live for Your glory.

Happy new year <3



And still I worship…


Her garden still grows