Her garden still grows

One year ago today, it was a cold Saturday. Little did we all know that at 2:16pm, our world around us would change forever…

Many people will read that last sentence and immediately think of the loss and grief that entered. That is the common response when speaking of someone’s passing. But as I’ve made it through this whole year since that day, I’ve seen and experienced a different side to loss. I have seen and experienced gain, growth, and restoration, both in myself and others. Now I will not deny that the loss is still there and can wash over you like a heavy wave at a random moment. Through the grace of God, we are able to make it through the waves and see the beauty that has come forth. Knowing my mom, she would be rejoicing and dancing over all the gain we have seen since her passing. She lived her life as a humble servant and light for Jesus. Everything her hands touched and her words rested on felt an effect. Throughout her life she planted seeds in the Earth around her, into the lives and relationships among her. She saw some of the fruit of these seeds in her lifetime, while others sprouted after she left her garden on Earth. I have seen lives change and grow as a result of Jesus being seen through my sweet mother. Let it be known that it wasn’t just my mom, but our Heavenly Father and Creator working through her. She gave her life to be a catalyst for Jesus to work in people’s lives. With every gain, my mother would lift her hands and give glory to the One that made it possible. Her heart longed to be close to Him and set an example of Jesus’ love.

Through every high and low, she lifted her hands to Heaven and gave thanks to her Savior. She walked throughout life with grace and humility, encouraging others whilst struggling herself. This is the example that she has left behind for us. While we may continue to grieve and feel the loss, let us not wear grey colored glasses. Let this be an opportunity for us to open our eyes and hearts to the gain. What have you seen God do in your life over this year? What seeds have you planted or have you seen sprout? Take this day as we remember my sweet momma and her life, to give thanks. We may walk through today with thanksgiving for the wonderful woman God gave us and the example she set. But let us not forget the purpose of her life. The reason she lived her life the way she did. That is what she would want today, for us to see through her to the One she served. To the Heavenly Father she loves and now walks with. Her life was a window into the heart of God. Let this be on your mind today…

Momma, I love you…

Always and forever.

Happy one year in Heaven <3

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” - Romans 8:28 NIV


Come together for good


To Whom I Run