
What defines you? Maybe you feel like you were defined by your looks, sport, job, past, social media, acts of service, talents, or the opinions/words of others. Maybe you feel like you’re constantly having to keep up the perfect definition or change it. I know that feeling. It’s something we all face one time or another whether we admit it or not. Yeah, it’s easy to live in that. We all want to be seen in a good light. To be loved. To be approved of. Some crave it more than others. But we are all human. At one point or another we’ve been there. I have to admit... I felt like I had this all down. Not letting others define me. Not letting my past define me. Not letting lies affect me. But when I thought I had it all together, something hit me. Something knocked me down and to be honest... it sucked. After a big high, when things were amazing, things were settling and I felt firm – one major hit and trying to hold it together just to crumble. But I don’t want this to be a pity post. It’s not. God showed me a few things during that low. Things I want to share.


1. HE defined me. BEFORE the world was even created. HE wrote my definition and knows who I am.


2. His definition is the true one. The only one the remains and matters


3. Sometimes you have to go through a low to see things. To be vulnerable. To be still and listen.


I am not perfect.

Nobody is.

We constantly have to remind ourselves of the truth. We have to continue to work to grow. Sometimes we get hit, fall, or crumble. But we are NEVER alone. That doesn’t define us. That shows we are human. But the question is... do you get up? Do you let the enemy win? Do you let him kill, steal, and destroy? Or do you let your ever-loving Father in? Let Him lift you up, speak to you, hold your heart, renew you and help you grow? Time and time again He is there with open, strong, loving arms. We have the choice. Let me tell you... running to my Father and having a real relationship with Him is so much better than anything else. Again and again I see Him in my life. Through everything. He uses everything and everyone. He loves YOU unconditionally. He defined you. You are His.


Called to JOY


Not alone