Don’t let your future steal your present

Have you ever been in a really good place, where you are happy? But then you start thinking about how life is going to change soon and that ruins your mood? Maybe for my fellow seniors- it’s the thought of college. The idea of you leaving for college or your friends leaving. I know that’s been hitting me recently... Changes are happening. It can be sad to see a chapter draw to a close. It can cause you to lose your joy. I’ve been struggling with that a little bit lately. Life has been really good. I’ve enjoyed the flow of life, the friends I’ve made, the set routine. Of course I knew eventually people would grow up, go to college, follow where God calls them. Now, don’t get me wrong. That’s so exciting! I’m so happy for the people around me as well as the plans God has for our futures. But all of the sudden, it has hit me. The changes are starting. It’s becoming more real. Even though it hasn’t fully changed, I’ve changed my mindset.

It’s easy to get lost in the future. overthinking everything, dreading the change, missing the present moments, missing opportunities around you, losing your joy of now. Yes, the future is important and you should prepare. But what about right now? What does God have for you? What is He trying to show you? Are you letting fear, dread, and sadness cloud your joy, gratefulness, and happiness for others?

In this transition season, I’m learning a few things...

•God always has your heart in mind. He is working things for your good. He knows what you need, what you desire, and what is best.

•He hasn’t forgotten you. Even if it seems like everyone else is moving along and you are staying in one place. He has a plan just for you. A perfect one, with perfect timing.

•Enjoy the now. Simple as that. Cherish these sweet moments. Spend time with your friends, watch those sunsets, count those stars, go on that adventure, make those memories. Ask God what he wants you to learn right now. What He wants to show you and help you grow in. Now is the time. You don’t want to miss out.

Life is too precious, too beautiful, too short to sit here and let the future steal your present.


I am not “it”


Grateful in the valley or the mountaintop