Grateful in the valley or the mountaintop

“When I thought I lost me, you knew where I left me”

This song holds a special place in my heart...

So today as the worship team lead us in the song, tears filled my eyes. Memories filled my head and I felt so grateful for where I was.

A year ago today, I started a long journey. A new chapter.

A year ago today, I woke up with a heaviness. That day I made the decision to get away. To spend time alone and away from distractions. Little did I know what God had waiting for me at the mountaintop. I wrote all about my mountaintop experience in a post. Life was different from there... I was on a high. There were breakthroughs, new visions, a renewed sense of purpose. But then at the beginning of this year, things hit hard. Wave after wave, and I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. I felt so lost... no idea what to do, where to go, or even who I was. Some people have asked me, “Are you angry that you went through all of it?”. Now in the moment... I might have said yes. But now I see what God was doing. He knew what I needed to learn, what needed to end in my life, where growth needed to take place. So now, confidently I say no. I’m not angry or wish to change things. Yes, it hurt... but if it didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be where I am today. God receives all the credit for where I am today. When I was lost and broken, He picked me up. The ever-loving Father, loved, guided, healed, and reminded me of who He has called me to be.

So today I was reminded of His unwavering love and grace. No matter where you are in life, you are not alone or forsaken. Whether you are on the mountaintop or in a valley- He is with you. When you forget who you are, He is there to remind you. When the world lets you down, He never will. He knows your heart.

I am so grateful for where God has me. For what He’s shown me. And where He’s leading me. My eyes are fixed above on the One called love. In the valley or on the mountaintop.

This is my prayer for you... that you would feel Him just as much on the mountaintop as the valley. That you be reminded of your worth and purpose. You are chosen not forsaken.


Don’t let your future steal your present


Called to JOY