I am a river…

Now let me explain what that means… over the past three months I’ve been asked one common thing by a multitude. “How are you doing?”

But it’s not asked as the usual question that everyone asks when you are someone, where you say “I’m good, you?”.

“How are you doing?” has really become a question about my grief. They mean “how are you dealing with the grief and loss?”. But along with the multitude of people asking, there are the people that don’t talk to me anymore or as often. When I reach out they say they don’t know how to talk to me now or what to say.

It’s now like grief and loss has become my name. Like somehow that’s what many see when they think of me. So I want to share “how I am” and “who” I am now.

Hi! My name is Alayna Joy Davis.

See how that hasn’t changed?

I am still the person I was before my mom passed away. That’s something I have to remind myself too, so don’t worry. Yes, I have experienced something new and I’m still learning how to live life differently. But I am still Alayna.

Now to explain the caption and answer everyone’s question-

I am a river. Simply put, I continue to flow and move forward in life. Some days I pass over rocky ground. Other days I flow free and peacefully.

That is something I’m sure everyone can relate to. Some days are  rough & some days are great. AND some days are both! That is a normal part of life. I am forever grateful for not having to go through life alone. The One called Love who knows my every thought is with me. He knows my pain and grief. He knows when I am joyful and when I need comfort. He placed certain people in my life right now that would show me love, joy, patience, and comfort. People that are the hand and feet of Jesus. He also knows my name. For He calls me- my beloved, chosen, His child, wonderfully created. That is who i am.

As I go through this new chapter of life, those names remain true. The world and pain can not change that.

So to answer the question or maybe you needed to hear this too…

I’m still need to be reminded of it :)


Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words


I am not “it”