Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words

When Jesus was on this earth, did He start every conversation with ‘Hi, I am Christ. Believe in me.”?

No. Though He did declare who He was on multiple occasions, He didn’t put this huge name tag on Himself or wear a crown. He lived among ordinary people. Wearing ordinary clothing. He walked around in the heat and dirt. He slept on the ground, or in people’s homes (guess you could say he couch hopped some). The Creator of the whole universe, King of Kings, The One, Alpha and Omega. Came to this dirty, unholy world in the most simple way. He chose a life of simplicity, pain, and hardships over a life of royalty. He could have come in a majestic way, clothed in robes and jewels, lived in a palace, and be treated like the royalty that He is. But He chose quite the opposite. This in itself says so much about the kind of God that He is. More is said by His actions on earth.

He could have only spent time with the “high class”. The ones that were the most pure, beautiful, clean, rich, or innocent. But instead He spent most of His time with the one the community would look down upon. The ones called dirty, guilty, ugly, or poor. He walked with them, ate with them, loved them, and called them friend. Those that lived their lives against the ways God intended them to be. Jesus loved them, spent time with them, and called them friend.

But why did He do this? If they were living their lives in such a way, why didn’t He just tell them they were wrong and that they needed to change?

If I think about life now and about the times that I’ve approached someone about their way of life, I understand. 9 times out of 10, the person would get defensive or block me out entirely. This would discourage me and I would shut down. Keeping my mouth shut about my beliefs and the truth. But reading through the Bible I realize what Jesus was doing and the purpose of it. He didn’t just stop preaching or living His life the way He was because of others. He didn’t mask His words or change His truth to not offend others. The way He reached out to others was different depending on the person. For some He had a meal with them, others He spoke to with stories that painted pictures. Jesus used His actions to welcome people in. To create a friendship with the ones around Him. While doing so He was teaching and guiding them toward the truth. He showed us that we could love people of all ways of life, without walking down the same path. He showed us that we could reach them without “shoving it in their face”.  Jesus gave this beautiful example for us to follow. He knew that not everyone is the same and that not everyone would except the truth bluntly. Each of us has a different story, past, traumas, hurts, and insecurities. Jesus knows this and wanted to show that you are loved. But also that we as Christians have the responsibility to share this gift with others.

Nowadays I see this go one of two ways.

  1. Some confront people in a harsh way, speaking AT them instead of TO them. Telling them all the ways they are living wrong and wanting to argue just to be right.

  2. Others are afraid of offending people that live differently and avoid any uncomfortable conversation. Acting supportive of their harmful choices and keeping quiet. Believing one way while acting another.

If we go back to Jesus as the example, we see Him speak truth to the ones around Him. He doesn’t try to please them by acting like He approves. But He also doesn’t shame them for the choices they have made. He still loves us no matter what we do, say, or how many times we mess up. That’s the example He gives for us to live our lives like. As Christians, we are to love others. But we are also to stand for and share the truth. Even if it’s uncomfortable. Jesus proved to us that there are ways to build friendships, have community, and reach others all at the same time as sharing. He showed that sometime you need to start with actions before words. Because sometimes actions speak louder than words and open new doors.

This has changed the way I go about life. As I meet new people in this world, whatever setting it might be, I pause. Taking the time to build a relationship with them. Have community and care for them. Walking through life as the hands and feet of Jesus. Not trying to “be right” or gain anything for myself. But to walk in a way that radiates Jesus first. Because in the end, they don’t need to know or follow me. They need to know and follow their Creator.  They need to know His unwavering love, forgiveness, and grace.

I am just a catalyst in Jesus’s ministry.


To Whom I Run


I am a river…